- CITMIC::CITMIC_DataAn environment variable that includes some example data
- DrugSim2DR::myenvAn environment variable which includes some example data
- DRviaSPCN::envDataAn environment variable which includes some example data
- DTSEA::example_disease_listAn example vector of disease nodes
- DTSEA::example_drug_target_listAn example data frame of drug target lists
- DTSEA::example_ppiAn example human gene functional interaction network object
- DTSEA::random_graphA random graph for the computation of the separation measure
- ICDS::envDataThe variables in the environment include an example expression profile,an methylation profile,an copy number variation data,amplified genes,deleted genes,A numeric vector of z_scores,p-values,A vector of 0/1s, indicating the class of samples,interested subpathways,Optimized subpathway,and the statistical significance p value and FDR for these optimal subpathways
- IDMIR::MirnaDataAn environment variable that includes some example data
- iPRISM::SeedsSeed Node Names
- iPRISM::data.celldata.cell
- iPRISM::data.pathdata.path
- iPRISM::data_sigdata_sig
- iPRISM::genelist_cpTME gene list after random walks
- iPRISM::genelist_hlaHLA gene list after random walks
- iPRISM::genelist_immICI gene list after random walks
- iPRISM::path_listpath_list
- iPRISM::ppiA protein-protein physical interaction network (PPI network)
- iPRISM::pred_valueOriginal Class Labels for Samples
- LncPath::LncPathEnvirThe variables in the environment variable 'LncPathEnvir' of the system
- MiRSEA::envDataThe variables in the environment include predefine pathway, target information of miRNAs,an expression profile and a example result of miRNA list
- pathwayTMB::PTMB_matrixPTMB_matrix, the Pathway-based Tumor Mutational Burden matrix
- pathwayTMB::final_characterfinal_character, the example's final signature
- pathwayTMB::gene_pathgene_path, the pathways geneset
- pathwayTMB::genesmbolgenesmbol, the coding genes' length
- pathwayTMB::mut_matrixmut_matrix, mutations matrix
- pathwayTMB::sursur, the samples' survival data
- PMAPscore::final_signaturefinal_signature, the final prognosis-related pathways
- PMAPscore::gene_Ucoxgene_Ucox
- PMAPscore::gene_Ucox_resgene_Ucox_res, the univariate Cox regression result of candidate genes.
- PMAPscore::gene_symbol_Entrezgene_symbol_Entrez, the genes' symbol and ENTREZID
- PMAPscore::km_datakm_data
- PMAPscore::maf_datamaf_data
- PMAPscore::maffilemaffile
- PMAPscore::mut_nummut_num
- PMAPscore::mut_sammut_sam
- PMAPscore::mut_samplemut_sample
- PMAPscore::mut_statusmut_status
- PMAPscore::path_Ucox_mulpath_Ucox_mul
- PMAPscore::path_Ucox_mul_respath_Ucox_mul_res
- PMAPscore::path_cox_datapath_cox_data
- PMAPscore::path_genepath_gene
- PMAPscore::pfs_scorepfs_score
- PMAPscore::responseresponse
- PMAPscore::roc_dataroc_data, the data frame use for ploting ROC curve
- PMAPscore::sigsig
- PMAPscore::sursur
- PMAPscore::symbol_Entrezsymbol_Entrez
- ProgModule::candidate_modulecandidate_module, candidate module
- ProgModule::final_candidate_modulefinal_candidate_module, Final candidate modules
- ProgModule::local_networklocal_network, local network gene set
- ProgModule::maf_datamaf_data, MAF file
- ProgModule::modulemodule, gene set
- ProgModule::mut_statusmut_status, mutations matrix
- ProgModule::netnet, network
- ProgModule::plotMutInteract_moduledataplotMutInteract_moduledata
- ProgModule::plotMutInteract_mutdataplotMutInteract_mutdata
- ProgModule::subnetsubnet, network
- ProgModule::univarCox_resultunivarCox_result
- SMDIC::envDataenvData
- SMDIC::xCell.dataxCell datasets
- ssMutPA::Path_ESPath_ES Single-sample mutation-based pathway enrichment score profiles.
- ssMutPA::Path_NamePath_Name
- ssMutPA::RWR_resRWR_res Random walk results based on mutated genes in a single sample.
- ssMutPA::Seeds_ScoreSeeds_Score The local weight of seed nodes.
- ssMutPA::cox_datacox_data Univariate cox proportional hazards regression data.
- ssMutPA::dot_datadot_data A data frame.
- ssMutPA::mut_oncomut_onco A binary mutation matrix.
- ssMutPA::mut_statusmut_status A binary mutation matrix.
- ssMutPA::samp_class_oncosamp_class_onco
- ssMutPA::sample_classsample_class The subtype labels of samples.
- ssMutPA::sur_oncosur_onco
- SubtypeDrug::ColorkColor
- SubtypeDrug::Disease_drugsSimulated result data
- SubtypeDrug::Drugs_CIDCorrespondence table of drug label and drug ID in PubCham database
- SubtypeDrug::GeneexpSimulated gene expression data
- SubtypeDrug::GeneexpTGene expression data for testing
- SubtypeDrug::SpwNetworkDataSubpathway network structure data
- SubtypeDrug::Subtype_drugsSimulation result data
- SubtypeDrug::UserDSSimulated user-defined drug regulator subpathway dataset
- SubtypeDrug::UserDSTUser-defined drug regulator subpathway dataset for testing
- SubtypeDrug::UserGSSimulated user-defined gene set data
- SubtypeDrug::UserGSTUser-defined gene set data for testing